Leaders of the Provincial Department of Commerce visited Hefei International Land Port for research and guidance

发布日期:2020-06-30 浏览次数:793

On the afternoon of June 30th, Zhu Dan, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director (at the department level) of the Anhui Provincial Department of Commerce, and his entourage visited Hefei International Land Port, accompanied by Cui Xia, deputy director of the Hefei Municipal Bureau of Commerce. Yong Fengshan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Hefei Municipal Industrial Investment Group, Shen Xiaogen, Member of the Party Committee, Director, and Deputy General Manager of Hefei Municipal Industrial Investment Group, Chairman of Hefei International Land Port, and Liu Jun, General Manager of Hefei International Land Port, participated in the survey.

At the symposium, Shen Xiaogen gave a report on the effectiveness, characteristics and highlights of the Hefei China-Europe train, focusing on customs clearance timeliness, strong scale, strong service, expansion of routes, simultaneous development of the "Belt and Road", "4211" strategy, etc. The relevant situation is introduced, and it is hoped that the provinces and cities will further increase their support for the Hefei China-Europe Express, and promote the establishment of the “one game of chess” coordination mechanism across the province as soon as possible. The meeting also conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on optimizing the timeliness of customs clearance, how to strengthen capital guarantees, and promoting the construction of key projects such as bases and ports.

Yong Fengshan said that under the care and guidance of the provincial and municipal commerce departments, the Hefei China-Europe train has achieved certain results in the scale, quantity, market expansion, and industrial chain extension of the train, centering on the goal of “Top Seven” and the strategy of “4211”. One step will further seize opportunities, continue to enhance the internal "hematopoiesis" function, continuously improve the operating timeliness of Hefei China-Europe trains, further expand the business model, go all out to speed up the construction of bases, and promote the development of the province's open economy and build an inland Open up new heights.

Cui Xia said that he will carefully analyze and sort out the main problems and challenges currently faced by Hefei International Land Port, actively listen to opinions and suggestions, build a bridge between Hefei China-Europe Express and foreign trade companies in the province, and support more local enterprises to go through Hefei China-Europe Express. The world has made greater contributions to the economic development of the “Belt and Road”.

After listening to the report, Zhu Dan pointed out that Hefei China-Europe Railway has built an important platform for the development of foreign trade in the province, and has played a huge role in promoting local enterprises to go abroad and assisting the development of the province’s open economy. He hopes that Hefei International Land Port will continue to maintain peace Carry forward the upward trend, overcome difficulties, effectively improve the timeliness of key links, further strengthen communication with business counterparts, work together to promote more and better "Made in Anhui" to the world, and provide sufficient resources for building a new highland of inland opening Capacity guarantee. He said that the commerce department will fully support the development of Hefei China-Europe Express, and take the "14th Five-Year" development plan as an opportunity to coordinate and promote the construction of key projects, and help China-Europe Express to present a new look and new results.

During the visiting, Zhu Dan and his entourage also visited the special customs supervision area of Hefei North Railway Station to learn more about the planning and construction progress of Hefei International Land Port Logistics Base.